Regional Asset Management
Objectives of the FNQROC Regional Asset Management Group (RAMG) are to share knowledge and experience held within the region to enable councils to enhance their Asset Management capabilities which further assists councils with their:
- Asset Management Framework and processes, and
- Long Term Financial Sustainability.
Key challenges have been summarised as (but not limited to):
- The challenge of maintaining and replacing aging, and at times inadequate, infrastructure to meet both the community expectations and increasing regulations and standards
- Identification of acceptable Service Levels
- The financial pressure of increasing costs and increasing expectations balanced against the communities capacity to pay
- Identification of asset risk exposure to an acceptable level
- External factors such as population change and climatic events
General meetings are held quarterly, comprising of members of FNQROC and invited guests.
Regional Asset Management Group Meeting Packs
Regional Asset Management Group Documentation
Asset Management Portal
Log into Portal
For further information, please contact FNQROC Regional Strategic Infrastructure Coordinator
Darlene Irvine l p: 07 4044 3038 l m: 0403 808 680 l e: email/d.irvine)(