Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils
The Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) was established in 1992 and represents 12 member Councils from Hinchinbrook to Cooktown in Far North Queensland inclusive of Hope Vale.
This area covers 1,235 km of the eastern seaboard with a land area of 252,542 sq km and a population of approximately 289,993. Gross regional product is $18.81 billion.
We are the largest and fastest growing region in Northern Australia, via the FNQROC Regional Snapshot
Our role is to foster cooperation and resource sharing between Councils and effectively advocate regional positions and priorities. In doing this we also work closely with regional partners and stakeholders.
The FNQROC Economic Profile presents information that enables you to describe the regions role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote regional strengths. |
The FNQROC Community Profile provides demographic analysis for the region and LGAs based on results from the Censuses of Population and Housing (1991-2016). The profile is updated with population estimates when new figures are released by the ABS. |
The FNQROC Housing Profile monitors housing supply, demand and affordability for the FNQROC region. |
The COVID-19 Economic Outlook Tool provides an overview of the economic impacts of COVID-19 across the FNQROC region and assists LGAs to:
This site is updated regularly by Economy .id as new data and information is released. |