The effective provision of urban water supply and wastewater services is an important element of Local Government responsibility. Water security is considered essential for any economic growth in the Far North Queensland (FNQ) region. Whilst our region has significant rainfall, our ability to store water for urban use is reaching (or in some cases reached) capacity which will inhibit growth into the future.
The experience within the industry suggests that a collaborative approach can provide significant benefits both directly (through skill sharing and improved economies of scale) and indirectly (via proactive and consistent engagement with State Government agencies and other stakeholders).
In 2014, the FNQROC Board directed the FNQ Water Alliance Technical Committee to continue the collaborative efforts and to improve the four keys areas of:
To achieve the Board objectives members will work together to:
General meetings are held quarterly comprising of members of FNQROC and including representatives from Qld Water, LGAQ, Dept of Energy and Water Supply.
Biosolids are nutrient-rich organic material which is the by-product of the wastewater treatment process. The biosolids produced by participating member councils are currently beneficially reused via land application but changes to the current regulatory framework relating to the presence of emerging contaminants means this may soon no longer be a viable option. In response to the rapidly changing regulatory position, a Regional Biosolids Sub-Committee has been endorsed by the FNQ Water Alliance to develop a Regional Biosolids Strategy for 2024 – 2034.
For further information, please contact the Regional Infrastructure Coordinator