Update by: Amanda Hancock, Regional Procurement Coordinator
The last couple of months has seen contracts finally get underway for the 2021/2022 Regional Sewer Relining, 2021/2022 Regional Bitumen Reseal and the Flood Warning Infrastructure Network project.
2021/2022 Regional Sewer Relining – This year’s program includes 4 councils, 23km of lines and over 800 connections! Phew! I am pleased to confirm that to help with delivery a funding contribution has been provided by the Queensland Water Alliance for this arrangement which will assist with the cost of the Program Coordinator again this year. Read more The Program Coordinator is central to the success of the program as this role works closely with the Contractor to ensure the works are delivered across the region whilst assisting them to navigate the various challenges that delivery of such a program inevitably brings such as wet weather, traffic management, access etc. In addition to Sewer Relining, councils can also choose to participate in the Regional Sewer and Manhole Condition Assessment arrangement, and this is due to get underway in November at Tablelands Regional Council.
2021/2022 Regional Bitumen Reseal – Works at Cassowary Coat Regional Council and Hinchinbrook Shire Council are all but completed and works are well underway at Tablelands Regional Council with Cook Shire Council to follow shortly.
Flood Warning Infrastructure Project – The contractor Prospect are currently in the process of designing and building the equipment required and undertaking site dilapidation and site soil surveys required ahead of installation of assets across the region.
In other news the Procurement Advisory Committee were pleased to welcome the Queensland Treasure Corporation (QTC) to their last meeting where they kindly provided the committee with information regarding their Foreign Currency facility . This facility has potential to save money where either councils or suppliers are sourcing goods from overseas and FNQROC will be working with QTC to understand how this might be successfully put into practice. Read more A copy of QTCs presentation is available on request. QTC continue to be a source of great information and support to FNQROC on a wide range of topics and are also working with procurement to facilitate an upcoming workshop to assist development of the FNQROC Regional Procurement Strategy – more on this to follow in the coming months.